Se-audiotechnik 소개
SE-Audiotechnik는 1980년 Michael von Keitz에 의해 독일 Solingen에서 설립되었으면
설립초기 Speaker Trade라는 브랜드가 사용되었고, 이후 SE-Audiotechnik로 브랜드로 변경하여 현재까지 40여 년 이상
고품질의 Loudspeaker 및 Power Amplifier 제품들을 설계, 생산하고 있다.
SE-Audiotechnik은 독일 장인 정신을 바탕으로 한 뛰어난 제품과 지속적 품질관리. 그리고, 마케팅의 성공으로 글로벌 브랜드로 성장하고 있으며, 1997년에는 중국 상하이 자산지역에 100% 독일 자본을 투자해 Speaker Electronik이라는 생산 기지를 설립했다.
약 800명의 인원으로 구성된 생산기지는 독일 R&D센터에서 개발되고 엔지니어링 된 각종 드라이버 및 인클로져, 첨단코팅기술의 하우징 제작. 패시브 크로스 오버에서 클래스A/B엠프, DSP내장의 D클래스엠프 등 모든 부품과 완성품을 직접 생산 유통하여 전 세계에 공급하고 있다.
SE AUDIOTECHNIK is owned and operated by Michael von Keitz who has been designing and manufacturing professional loudspeaker solutions for more than four decades. The wealth of knowledge this brand has behind it ensures each product’s performance will far exceed your expectations.
The World is Listening
To achieve our corporate vision of “The World is Listening,” we are committed to conceive unique, innovative, well-crafted and easy to use audio solutions. We will continue to be bold in our approach and fulfill the promise of delivering clear, consistent, quality sound in such a realistic way every audience becomes enveloped in every note.
The power comes from inside
This phrase embodies the spirit of all of our employees. We strongly believe that corporate growth cannot be achieved without highly motivated, talented, passionate and ambitious employees. We will continue to harness the power that’s inside SE AUDIOTECHNIK to realize and provide solutions that will exceed our customers’ expectations in every way.
Quality is never an accident; It’s always the result of intelligent effort
SE AUDIOTECHNIK has thoughtfully implemented a Quality Engineering approach to our manufacturing process. We put each product through testing throughout the production cycle. The benefit to our customers is that each product is carefully examined at every step of the way. We use individual methods of analysis and development of systems for the different stages to ensure our products are designed, developed and manufactured to meet or exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations. We deliver a greater level of production efficiency from the very beginning, minimize defects and reduce potential losses, ensuring an end result that our users can trust time and again.
Global Brand
SE AUDIOTECHNIK is a German pro audio brand, which is supported by our Chinese’s manufacturing facility of over 800 employees. The combination of German engineering and quality control paired with Chinese’s diligence and efficiency is built into every product which carries our name. We are hugely proud of every speaker that leaves our manufacturing campus as we know they have been built to the highest standards and will provide our customers with many years of reliable operation.
Corporate Headquarters
Neuenhofer Strasse 42-4442657 Solingen, Germany
+49 212 – 38 226 – 0