SE Mission Control

The comfortable and advanced command centre

The SE Mission Control is your command center and puts you right in the spot of all your audio and system operation. From here you have full system access to control and monitor your SE sound solution – easy – just over a standard network. SE Mission Control is the ideal tool for all your installation and “on the road” applications.

Mission Control  Überblick

Set your system for tonal balance and a homogeneous level between all speakers and subwoofers. Adjust the sound reproduction parameters based on your project requirements and the performance venue. (We don’t have a time travel feature built in – at least not yet – but) You can time-align individual channels and groups of speakers and subwoofers. With Mission Control you can constantly monitor signal and temperature levels of all SE System Engines.

Initiate your setup procedure in no time, thanks to the comprehensive device presets. This is the best and fastest way to select speaker type, inputs and many more options. Presets are developed to set your system in kind of auto-mode, by supporting many application and setup scenarios. The system is prepared for line array elements and loudspeaker combinations such as 4x L 35, 4x L 65 or 2x B 18 and 2x SMX monitors – and many more.

Experience the features of DSP and network capabilities and the new control software which is called SE Mission Control.


It is recommended to run Mission Control on computers running Windows 10 (or higher) or Mac OS 10.12 (or higher) with a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. The more RAM your computer is equipped with, the better performance you will experience.

Ensure to have at least 200 MB free hard disk space available.

It is highly recommended to use a dedicated network setup to remote control your SE AUDIOTECHNIK DSP amplifier(s).

Online Manual 

Click on our icon on the right. There you will find an online version of the SE Misson  

Control manual.